Welcome to Sierra Youth Sports!
We are a non-profit organization that is run solely by volunteers. Our league enables children ages 5-14 to compete in a
game they love. We have a determined board and coaches that are committed to bring out the best in our players, not
only in baseball and softball, but in character and team spirit to follow them through their upcoming years.
The Sierra baseball and softball fields were built in 1990 on land which is leased from the county of Los Angeles.
Thousands of hours by parents and volunteers were generated in the construction and maintenance of the Pony and
Little League fields that were built to pony specifications complete with dugouts and bullpens. A snack bar that offers a
variety of amenities was also built. It is only through the countless volunteers, sponsors and a very generous community
that our organization continues to thrive.
Our membership of Sierra Youth Sports holds a great group of people who devote many hours in making this league a
success. Each year, we rely on registration (our membership), sponsorships and donations that are vital to the existence
and success of this league. Your participation in our league makes a difference and we ask for your continued support.