Sierra Youth Sports
Volunteer Instructions
Thank you for volunteering to coach at Sierra Youth Sports! We truly appreciate your dedication to helping our kids. Before you can start working with the team, there are a few important steps you need to complete:
1. Register as a volunteer through our website:
a. Go to and login
b. Click on Volunteer, then Find Volunteer Roles
c. Select the appropriate role (coach, manager, board member, etc.) in your league (baseball or softball) and click Continue
d. Answer all the questions. If answering no, you must put N/A in the explanation boxes.
e. View / Accept the required policies & waivers
f. Upload a copy of your photo ID
g. Upload your training certifications (these can be uploaded later as well)
h. Click Continue and finish the registration
2. Complete the following Courses: Once you complete these courses. Please upload the certificates to your account at by logging in, and clicking on the edit pencil next to your name under My Role and Certificates.
a. Sudden Cardiac Arrest:
b. Concussion in Sports:
c. Abuse Awareness:
d. Little League All Stars Diamond Training (SOFTBALL ONLY)
3. Live Scan Fingerprinting: Required by the State
a. Find a Live Scan location here:
b. Must provide these numbers when getting Live Scanned:
ORI Number: AZ143
Mail Code:32835
Billing 165070
c. Keep your receipt and send to [email protected] for reimbursement.